Saturday, May 25, 2013

Too Conscientious--Day 25

Today's prompt is to talk about something a person said about me that I'll never forget.
Who wants to guess that I'm going to tell you two things?
Good job, young grasshopper.

The first thing happened last April, during my last trip at Shoshoni. Meitreya waited about three weeks to tell me this, but he had been thinking it since I had arrived. He told me I looked like a koala. At first I was a little, "what, why don't I look human?" But koalas are adorable, so I can deal.

The second thing was during my first semester of college. My English professor liked to switch the syllabus around in order to get us to really dive into learning how to write (freshman seminars: so slow, they will kill you). I normally did my homework for that class the weekend before it was due in order to get it out of the way. Reading the first third of Jane Eyre and writing a short response was on the syllabus for Thursday, so I emailed my prof a page of my thoughts on the book on Sunday. As I came into her office hours, she told me that I was "too conscientious" and that she didn't quite know what to do with me.

It's actually hatred of responsibility that gets me ahead in class, but y'know, let's pretend it's for more genuine purposes.

How about you lovely people? What are some things people have said about you?


1 comment:

  1. whereas i, on the other hand, would run through the halls, the paper that was due five seconds ago flapping in the wind. and the professor i passed calling out, "Is that mine?"

    "nope. not written yours yet."

    hers was due that afternoon.
