Sunday, May 5, 2013

An Open Letter to Bryarly Bishop--Day 5

So prompt numero trois is to profess your love/admiration to one of your blogger friends. While I don't personally know many of the bloggers I follow, through their writing and their experiences, I kinda feel like I could go shopping with them and the *click* would just happen.

Perhaps that's because I'm bonding through writing, and not actual face to face contact in which I sound something like, "erm, hello. Pizza, you want? I mean, you want pizza? The sky isn't actually blue; it's purple."

Yes, it's much easier to communicate via the written word. Sometimes I wonder why I even leave my room in the first place.

But a person I would leave my room to hang out with is Bryarly Bishop. Okay, I'll admit, I discovered her through Charlieissocoollike. I had already become so enraptured in the YouTube star's life (creepy much?), that I needed to check out his girlfriend's channel. That's when I saw this:
Since then, I've fallen just as in love with Bryarly as I have with Charlie. Not in a creepy way, just a "hey, I kinda wanna be you; you're awesome, can I hug you?" kind of way.

And through my incessant stalking casual browsing, I came across Bryarly's blog. Might I suggest that her expression through the written word is superior to her video making?

Hell yeah, I'm gonna suggest that.

Bryarly accomplishes with elegance and style what a majority of bloggers are trying to do. She shares her personal experiences without seeming like an "over-sharer." She ties all her personal "feels" to a universal phenomenon, something we can relate to at one point or another. Her stories don't overwhelm you, nor are they self-indulgent. They are poignant observations of human nature. I've found that particularly when Bryarly discusses emotion, she takes a widespread view of how humans tend to react to emotion. She articulates the motivations of the overly emotional and the too-detached quite well.

It's also comforting to see her progress through the "post-graduation" years. She may not have it all figured out yet, but it's still like getting advice from a big sister who made it through the stress of college.

She's also got a very calm yet witty blogging voice. And that's got to be the key to any successful blog: finding your voice.


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