Friday, May 24, 2013

Bad Company--Day 24

Welp, isn't today's prompt a fun one? My top three worst traits. Wheeee, there goes my ego, straight out the window.
Maybe I should've tried to "sell myself" more a few weeks ago.

Should we just go with the fact that I'm too awesome? No?

1) I'm sensitive
This can be seen as a good trait--it's easy to tell when people are having a bad day, or when they're off-kilter, but it can also be like, "oh my god, you're wearing purple today...why do you hate me???". A lot of sensitivity comes from reading tone of voice incorrectly--same with facial expressions. There's a lot of firey, "let's-not-stop-to-sit-and-talk-about-our-feelings" kind of people, and the sensitive sort reads that as being cold. Sometimes sarcasm gets lost on the sensitives of the world.

2) I'm shy.
It's alright when I'm a shy introvert, but being a shy extrovert can be awfully painful. It's hard to want to make connections, to feel better when you're surrounded by people, but to not know how to make conversation, or how to stop looking like an idiot. The more public the place I'm in, the more timid I become.

3) I'm confrontational
I mean, I'm not aggressive about conflict, but I have trouble letting go an argument or misunderstanding. If I'm with a friend, and I bring them Brie cheese, and they're all "no no, I wanted Gouda," I'll want to talk about the mis-communication for the next week and how to avoid it. If there's the slightest of tiffs, I'm scribbling out ways to fix it.

Well, hey reader, it was nice talkin' to ya'. Stop by real soon; I'll make you a nice cup of "you-looked-at-me-funny-you-must-hate-me."

Can I redeem myself by saying I make chocolate chip cookies with thrice the amount of chocolate?

Here. Have a cyber-cookie.


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