Saturday, May 4, 2013

Seeking the Great Perhaps--Day 4

Today's prompt is to share a favorite quote. I had a difficult time with this one, seeing as I have a journal filled with favorite quotes. Some are rather philosophical, others just amusing facts of life. I tend to underline the quotes that over-explain, that never fail to go into detail about how we perceive and live our lives. But a quote that has stuck with me is one I learned from John Green. François Rebel once said "I go to seek a great perhaps." These words hold endless ambiguity; what do we define as "great"? And perhaps is so uncertain, it's rarely something we search for--rather, we try to run from the unknown.

I love the idea of running towards awe and wonder, rather than trying to be safe and secure. This quote seems to be the very basis of one's twenties--where you're not sure what the hell you're doing with life, but you just go with it and have an awesome time running from one experience to the next. Seeking the great perhaps seems to be seeking adventure just for the thrill of it, rather than gaining some concrete answer to life's questions (which, for the most part, remain unanswerable).

Sometimes, you just have to throw yourself into the unknown. Even when teachers and parents try to lay out how something is going to end up, you never really know the full experience until you try it. It's got me thinking about this time last year, when I had a basic idea of what Shoshoni was, but there wasn't a full blown tutorial of the experience online; I had to blindly fly across the country and really gain the full experience after a few days of not knowing what the hell I was doing.

It's scary as hell, but sometimes the "great perhaps" can be the most rewarding. If you live your life seeking the unknown rather than a concrete goal, your life will never seem pointless or dull.

So join me in the search for the great perhapses in the world...starting with my voyage to Shoshoni tomorrow!

All I can say is you, sore throat, you better not be Bronchitis. 


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