Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You know you're an English major when...

1) You procrastinate your other homework by writing an essay.

2) You spend your weekend nights reading Jane Eyre and writing your fifth novel.

3) Every either/or dilemma ends with "that is the question."

4) You re-read the books your professor assigned for fun.

5) You don't bother arguing with friends unless they can back up their claims with data and warrant.

6) When someone asks you what celebrity you want to meet and everyone else says J.Lo, you say "Charles Dickens!"

7) You forget to check your phone when a bajillion people are texting are you because you're too busy reading.

8) November is the most stressful of months not because of No Shave November, but because of NanoWriMo.

9) You journal about life's problems, rather than talking to an actual person.

10) Some of the greatest people in your life are characters you've made up.

11) When someone threatens to take your cell phone or computer away, you reply, "that's fine, just don't take away my books!"

What are some of your signs that make you a crystal clear English major?


  1. on friday night reading a book to write an essay on it instead of going out with your friends.

    A love of boxes because that will be our homes.
