Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Today is a leopard print day

Yes, I do own leopard print jeans. And duct tape. And my pillow pet may or may not be covered in purple leopard spots. I don't have some weird fascination with these animals, but wearing brown spots on my legs makes me feel a bit more like a fashionista. And, I admit, in sixth grade, I was obsessed with the Cheetah Girls. Like, I thought they were the next big thing since the Beatles. Only with more words like "duckets" and "true dat."

Well, it seems the Cheetah Girls are not nearly as skilled as I remember them being, and although I insisted Raven Symone was the one exception to bad Disney Channel acting, it turns out being in middle school distorts more than just your boobs and butt. A change in mindset may occur. Be forewarned. So, after my obsession with this group died down, my cheetah print clothes got thrown to the back of the closet. This might have something to do with an innocent little sixth grader getting told by a big scary eighth grader (who was a bit overkill on the whole gothic thing, let's just note that) that she got dressed in the dark. To a twelve year old, that's pretty much the same thing as saying "you're worthless, go die in a hole."

Needless to say, I don't know why I purchased these jeans, except that they were $5 and this was back when I had some strange compulsion to spend money 24/7 (one of the benefits of being busy all the time--no more shopping). But something drove me to ditch the plain jeans (or sweatpants) this morning and be outrageous and bold, and all that fun stuff. While I felt the tiniest bit self-conscious when everyone around me was wearing PSU hoodies and sweats, it's oddly liberating to be reminded of your sixth grade self after a while. I may not go belting out "girl power" anytime soon, but embracing the strangely-styled twelve year old I once was is not always a bad thing. Besides, leopard print is coming back into style. Or something.
Leopard print duct tape, wheyy


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