Thursday, October 25, 2012

Eleven questions

So I found this blogging survey done by The Pondering Yogi that I found interesting. A little bit like those facebook note surveys everyone and their brother did back in middle school, only slightly more intellectual than, "has your crush texted you lately?" After all, it is *gasp* possible to go more than five minutes without a crush. So anyway, I've decided to participate in this survey and then tag some of my favorite bloggers so I can see their answers.

  1. On a rainy day, what is your favorite thing to do?-- Honestly, sleep. I don't know what it is about grey and depressing weather that makes me so sleepy, but I find it so easy to just curl up with Ernest and my comforter and snooze for hours on end. Plus, I don't even need to listen to any forced white noise. But during my awake hours, I enjoy watching Gilmore Girls marathons, reading some classy chick lit, and--what else--making massive amounts of coffee. 
  2. Would you rather read a good book or run a marathon, and why?--Read a book. Always. It could be a book about bricks and I'd pay someone to let me do that. I look like a zombie when I run. I breathe like a 500 pound person after two minutes of running.
  3. What is your fantasy career? And are you working toward it?--Well, being an English major, I'm either working towards becoming my parents, or a homeless person. Perhaps a lovely mix of both. But actually, my dream job would be working as a television writer for a sitcom like 30 Rock. The only thing I can do now is 1) suck up to people in the film industry, and 2) write, write, write, until words come out of my ears. A lot of people who end up successful in the television industry worked really really hard, never slept, were in the right place at the right time, and had an uncle who owned a studio.
  4. How many pets share your home?--My dorm home? One, if you count my pillow pet (and I do). At home home? Two lovely little snakes named Severus and Sovngarde as well as an adorable cat named Layla.
  5. How long have you been friends with your oldest friend? And how did you meet?--6 years, and we met in sixth grade, when we realized we had a mutual obsession of chocolate and shiny things. Obviously how every friendship should be initiated.
  6. What color makes you feel vibrant?--Pink!!
  7. When you indulge in a something you consider luxurious, do you save it for a special occasion or do you use it joyfully?--Let me go put on some $15 dollar lip gloss while I work on homework and get back to you on that one.
  8. What's the best dish that you make?--I make a mean cereal, and toast if you're into that whole burnt flavor. Oh, and I've got mad baking skills. I just dump twice as much chocolate into something than what the recipe called for.
  9. Makeup or no makeup?--Makeup, makeup, always makeup. Seriously. I'm addicted. No wonder my paycheck disappears so fast. But eyeliner and I have stopped seeing each other because giant-ass eyelashes make your eyeliner traverse to your eyebrow, so you end up looking like a raccoon. Not pleasant. 
  10. What is your favorite type of tree?--Maple!
  11. What thing from your childhood have you held on to that still brings you happiness?--My collection of stuffed cats, because my brother and I invented a freaking world with those things. We had their own political system, complete with vicious presidential debates and Olympic events that decided their president. Those sorry looking things are chock full of memories. And dirt. But mostly memories.

And now for the annoying lovely tags:
1) The oncoming storm
2) Just Sayin'
3) Organized Chaos
4) Thoughts in the Space Behind your Eyes
5) Life, Love, and the pursuit of Candy Mountain
6) The Man in the Grey Coat
7) Thoughts and Such

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