Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A price of free time?

So I've managed to debunk one myth about college that upperclassmen like to scare us freshman with: We do, in fact, have plenty of free time. I'm no longer scurrying past a row of lockers to make the 3 minute class change, nor am I sitting in front of a study hall teacher who is practically disintegrating in front of me. On my busiest day, I have a total of 3 hours of class time. Wednesdays are like the mecca of scheduling. But let me tell you, after the first month of "oh, this is great, I'll have tons of time to watch 30 Rock marathons before French," that's when all the tests, quizzes and essays piled on top of me. And that's when I realized that I'd fallen victim to the false freshman belief that just because you don't have homework assigned to you, doesn't mean you have nothing to do. It makes getting distracted by that cute picture of a puppy on facebook a hell of a lot easier to do, but study you must, and sometimes this realization doesn't happen until midterms sing a little song that goes like this:


Or something.

But as I'd mentioned earlier, just because you have 3 hours of free time, doesn't mean you will use it all to diligently sit at your desk. I may sit at my desk, but for most of that period I'm tapping my foot thinking, "hmm, I'm wondering what's for dinner." Then I remember it's the same old pizza and mushy vegetables, and that disheartens me a little bit. At least I can still be a fruit-ivore. 

So there's a price for being a responsible adult making responsible decisions, that end up being, "I'll study for my English midterm after this one last episode, one last season--eh, screw it, I'll study once I'm dead." I'm not saying I wish I could be locked up in the dungeon that was my middle school study hall, but at least there you were forced to study or die of boredom. Here, there's no one telling me I can't invite people to hang out and watch How I met Your Mother in between classes or video chat with some far-away friends. Sure, my roommate tells me to make grownup decisions and what have you, but to that I go, "pshaw, let's go get some espresso milkshakes at 2:00 in the morning." No time like the present to go party like a wild child with some caffeine. Unless I decide to be that person in a senior citizens' home riding a motorbike....but actually. 

So there is actually tons of extra time to be ruthless and idiotic studious and responsible, but I guess my high school teachers were onto something when they said time management would turn up in our later lives. Damn you, health class, you've ruined me. 



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