Sunday, October 28, 2012

The apocalypse is coming!

Living in a land-locked state can be a funny thing. Not funny ha ha, but funny as in, oh a little rain and wind is coming, and suddenly the grocery stores are all out of bottled water. Not sure why everyone is convinced a drought is coming at the same time a bunch of snow arrives, since power outages don't shut off running water as well. All through work I kinda giggled at the rampage of doomsday purchases, and glanced at the sorry shelf of batteries. Then I got home, saw that Penn State was considering canceling classes, and one thought arose in my head:

"Oh shit. The apocalypse is coming."

Because everyone knows that Penn State only cancels classes when REALLY REALLY bad things happen. I think they've shut down only two or three times before in the history of the world. High schools cancel when a light sprinkling of snow threatens to come down, but this is college. This is serious business--it's the real world, my friends. And in the real world, people get hit by tree branches.

Seriously, though. The one loophole PSU has found for not yet canceling classes is to send out a mass email that tells us to use our better judgment, to not go outside if winds pick up at an outrageous speed, but oh by the way, we'll be missing important tests, quizzes, and bio labs if we do decide not risk, y'know, dying and all.

If they do cancel class, however, I'm plenty prepared with hoards of ice cream, pasta, and '90's music to have dance parties too. So if you ask why I haven't finished my homework, it's because I'm a great thinker who wants to have something to do tomorrow--in case PSU does decide to acknowledge that apocalypse that is sure to arrive tomorrow.

Also, it gave me an excuse to buy ice cream.


Seriously though, fellow Penn Staters: If it looks like a bunch of branches are flying around, for the love of all things living, don't go outside!! This is one point when Hermione was wrong: dying is worse than getting a bad grade, or getting expelled. 

1 comment:

  1. We're all gonna get hit by branches and DIE. But actually.
