Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Journalism Majors, I Request Your Assistence. AKA What is My Life

So this isn't gonna be one of those "I'm trying to be funny and somewhat failing" or "let's find the deeper meaning" blogs. I'm actually going to let this blog serve its original purpose and tell you some things that are going on in my life. If you're bored, don't say I didn't warn you.

Thing one:
Apparently I'm now a newspaper editor. Like, for something other than a homemade scrapbook-gone-wrong type newsletter. As in, for a real live publication.

What is my life?

I suppose an explanation would be nice. So would a lifetime supply of Creme Eggs. But in this instance, you win here. I had heard from the liberal art's internship magazine that State College had a newsletter called Voices. It's essentially the alternative, liberal local newsletter. Since I'm a lefty all the way, I thought it looked intriguing. I emailed the editor-in-chief a short inquiry and a resume, hoping that I could get some further information along with an application.

Instead, I was told to come to a meeting (At Webster's--always a good sign). When I did finally show up to a meeting, I voiced which articles sounded interesting.

Then something kinda crazy happened. Those articles got assigned to me.

Last time I wrote a newspaper article, it was the fourth grade. So we'll see how this goes. I doubt the "blog" voice is gonna work when the State College community is looking for straight up facts, so for another tone I shall search.

But if any of you are journalism majors or have experience in the newspaper-editing world, I would love some pieces of advice. I mean, do people still record interviews? Or conduct email interviews? I don't even know. As a child, I only interviewed myself. I doubt that's gonna fly in the big kid world.

So yeah.

Thing two:
3 more weeks until Shoshoni. 
I have yet to make a packing list. Also haven't figured out the hair straightener debacle. I should probably work on my downward dog abilities.

Thing three:
Has State College skipped Spring completely? I'm not complaining, except it makes it so difficult to get anything productive done.


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