Thursday, November 15, 2012

It started off as an innocent YA novel...

...Then turned into a vampire book. What?
If you're new to my blog, let me just start by giving you a crucial piece of information: Turtles are awesome.

Also, I'm weird.

And because I'm weird, I decided that on top of my course load...of erm...13 credits, I needed to assign myself extra work in the form of NanoWriMo. And that, friends, is not just a page or so of extra work. That's 50,000 freaking extra words of extra work.

So if I look at you with wild, crazy eyes and go "fjeioawjioawjfe0woiJFOIASJOWJF!" Now you know why.

It's turned into more of an endeavor than I thought it would. It's not that writing 1,667 words per day is impossible to do, but 1,667 good words per day?


So I started off this whole NanoWriMo thing, writing what I know: And what I know is about girls and their lives. I started off with strong character developments and progressive dialogue. Then something happened: one of my classes started to influence my outside work more than I thought it would. As my main character got a cut and started bleeding (a minor conflict, if you will), my thought process went something like: "oh blood...vampires like blood...ONE OF MY CHARACTERS IS A VAMPIRE!"

All of a sudden, my Young Adult fiction has turned into a vampire novel. And I'm just kinda sitting here, watching these characters take over my keyboard as I throw my hopeful outline out the window. An outline for NanoWriMo? Bah. Rookie mistake.

So now, I'm less the puppet master of this...uh...novel (if you're kind enough to call it that), and more of a puppet as my characters tell me what's going on. It's kind of a crazy ride, and my inner editor is screaming so loud, I can barely hear the pre-thanksgiving partiers out my window.

And that is how the cookie, or blood rather, crumbles.


P.S. Can blood crumble??

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I do believe blood can crumble, if it's dry that is. If it's wet and it crumbles than you may have some sort of disease.
