Monday, November 5, 2012

A Day to Remember

No, not the band, and although the chorus of "Remember, remember the 5th of November" that has been invading my news feed is amusing, the day to remember I'm talking about is November 6th, 2012--Election day.

Politics has always been widely discussed in my household. Sometimes I think my brother knows more about the candidates' plans and proposals than Romney and Obama do. And while I'm not a political maniac, I know what I stand for, and I can finally voice those opinions and a productive way that truly matters. Because yeah, I know what you're thinking, electoral college and all, but every vote matters. And if you want to make a difference in the country, it starts with putting some initiative in choosing who's going to represent said country. I may not agree with everything Barack Obama has to say, but his representation runs far closer to how I think would work best for America. And so, a democrat voting I go. But it's not like I'm telling Republicans to stay home tomorrow. Everyone who is liable to vote should! It is your civic duty, as well as your privilege.

It's sad to see that viewpoint on voting (at least, among some) has gone from a glorious privilege to a chore, an obligation. Yes, it is something you have to do (or will get mercilessly mocked and reprimanded by others if you don't), but it is also something you get to do. People have fought for their voices to be heard since the beginning of freaking forever. Just because we live in a world that is more equal now, doesn't mean we should take these rights for granted and wave off voting just because neither candidate is "ideal" or "perfect." If you get excited about voting for homecoming king and queen, or the next American Idol, that excitement should be multiplied when you're talking about the next leader of your country.

On a more personal note, today was a day in which I watched my ego both expand and deflate. It's a funny thing, the ego--you think it's in a permanent state when it switches to a certain way, then we're always surprised when it jumps right back. In high school, I was at a pretty steady "average" standpoint academically, yet it astounds me how much such labels can jump back and forth in college. Just yesterday, I was practically floating off the ground after receiving my science blog grade (A is a magical, magical letter, my friends). I thought, "I'll never have to work again! One fantastic grade in science, and I'm set for life!" That same day, I took a test in that very class, and got a D. Down with the ego. Elation and devestation, it turns out, don't outweigh each other. You can feel one of those one moment, and be just as effected by the opposite in the blink of an eye. Or, in this case, the click of a button. It's awfully fun to have those feel good moments where you're on top of the world, but college isn't necessarily always about "winning." It's about learning, and growing as a person, and sometimes, that requires putting your ego in check. Sometimes, unfortunately, it requires some D's.

Or at least that's what I'll tell my science teacher when he gives me a "look" next class.


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