Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The aura of single-ness

After our yoga adventures, Keri and I discussed how someone can portray being single and interested through a simple look, or air. It's true that you don't need to know someone's life story (nor must you stalk their facebook page) to see that walk, that look that says "hey, I'm single. I'm open. I won't murder you with an axe during the night." It's like we walk around with radars that detect attachment to past relationships, or fear of commitment. Even total strangers, they know. They can tell. Clearly my walking around downtown in sweatpants and my phone plastered to my hand, just waiting for that glorious "hey" (what a magical and well thought out text!), was not code for, "I am your answer to a wonderful Friday night." Not even close. Even post breakup hair doesn't make you feel sexy. It just makes you wonder why you shelled out eighty bucks to look like a skunk. So that was a thing that happened.
I must have missed the day we learned flirting in school, because every time I attempt being cute and fun, I end up looking like I've eaten special brownies. And I'm not talking about my mother's recipe. Either that, or I'm lecturing some bewildered guy about how men are sexist pigs, and I should just be the crazy cat lady forever, and I'm pretty sure this is the tactic that will make me most likely to watch re-runs of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. in my basement when I'm fifty years old. Ross and Rachel's "break" will taunt me, because they found and lost and found again the one. I have a multitude of stories of "one of the others," but the normal guys tend to get scared away when there's that chick who starts squeaking like a mouse and cabbage patching in the middle of downtown State College. I'll have to scratch this method off of flirting tactics as well. Process of elimination. That's how I'll learn.
Sometimes it's as simple as putting your hair down and wearing a hem that thinks it's a skirt. But I've found that those girls have an aura of desperation, not preparation. The true "single and ready" (I will not make you have to read "and mingle" again, but wait I just did) feel comes from confidence. I learned this from a self help book I read after getting stood up from a date. I'm just kidding. There was no date on which I got stood up.
Hey Hey, It's Keri. My take on this is mainly you should be like a cat. The less you show interest, the more they like you. Actually that's only in specific situations, like when you legitly don't like them and they are all in like with you :/. Anyway the key really is confidence, even just mildly fake confidence works. (Though I'm not 100% sure bout that either b/c well...I'm not completely experienced with guy catching), but theoretically a person is deemed more attractive when they have an aura of confidence, which could equal the aura of single-ness.
It's Kira again. And if that doesn't work, just wear too much eye makeup and post pictures on facebook of yourself doing the duck face. If pursed lips and black smudges on your face aren't sexy, then I don't know what is.

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