Thursday, May 23, 2019

Day 6: Core

Having gotten used to Adriene's pattern of philosophical musings, followed by a gentle warmup and a vinyasa flow, I expected today's practice to discuss the core self. I prepped for today by looking up articles on what it means to find a core self (still working on that one), anticipating only one or two gentle core-strengthening exercises. I was wrong. It was hard. My abs feel like they've been punched by a very strong, very angry person. Today's practice felt less like capital y "Yoga;" it was more akin to a proper workout, to the torture of a Blogilates video.

While alarming and painful, focusing on the core is important in almost every exercise practice. In both yoga and dance, I have found that when focusing on core exercises, there is greater ease in each posture or move—the strength I feel in my center extends throughout my body as though there is a brilliant light shining in my legs, arms, and torso.

While today's practice wasn't particularly philosophical, I decided to be philosophical anyway. In recognizing how emphasis on one area extends to the whole body, I thought about my personal mission to "learn how to human." In an anxious panic that I needed to learn all the things, I made a list of about twenty things I needed to learn how to do (including setting up a tent because apparently I camp soooo many times) on top of finding a job. I felt as though I needed to grow about five arms and ten brains. I didn't see a connection between the tasks I'd assigned myself, and wondered how I would learn everything before jetting off to grad school. But when thinking about the core requisites for learning anything, there's an obvious pattern: dedication, determination, and confidence.

If only confidence started with a D.

When considering the seven chakras in yoga, the third chakra, power, is located in the abdomen. This chakra symbolizes power. It invites "motivation, purpose, and confidence" (Yoga Basics). Referred to as manipura, or "lustrous gem," this chakra energizes, strengthens, and attracts strong will and determination. Connecting with this chakra makes you come alive and discover a fire and passion.

In my case, I used to have a great deal of passion; connecting with my third chakra allows me to rediscover a passion that has been in hiding for 6 months. It also diminishes a layer of fear of trying new things (okay, half a layer).

The power mantra reads, "may I be able to honor myself, be who I am in the world, and express that power without fear" (Yoga Basics). Yes, it is important to seek improvement, but honoring the self, the power that we already hold, ignites an ability to make strides that otherwise seemed impossible.


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