Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Writing Process: As Told By Jenna Marbles Gifs

So, as it turns out, I do write more than on this blog. Begrudgingly. In an attempt to finish a story before I'm eighty years old (I'm working on it, guys), I set out an entire day to write.

The Facebook to Writing ratio is not a healthy one when free time happens.

Fortunately, I have 3 more days off from work, so I'll keep telling myself I'm going to write then making some coffee instead working at it. But just to give a little insight into a "writer's day," I present to you, my day in Jenna Marbles Gifs.

(Note: This was inspired by an awesome blogger I found. Graceless Lady. Check her out)

10:00 A.M. I'm inspired to write. I've got some scene ideas and some witty dialogue stored up in my head. Coffee helps, too.

10:30 A.M.
I'm looking at pictures of cats on Tumblr.
Okay. Focus. Everybody, quiet.

Everybody needs some ab workouts in their life, am I right?
Unfortunately, when you're "righting" you're not writing.

I deserved a snack, after burning...50 calories. Plus two.

Oh, Photobooth...

Writing stuff I'll delete tomorrow

I'm never gonna be a writer.
Aaaand, repeat for the next year.


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