Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The herpes of craft supplies? I think not!

Glitter sometimes gets a bad rep. It can be viewed as childish, messy, and an overall waste of three bucks. I find this to be an unfair judgment of all things shiny--I mean, what did glitter ever do to you besides brighten your day? People tend to think obsession over guns and explosions are more legit, but glitter never started any wars. If anything, it sparks our desire to be creative geniuses that can be channeled into productive human beings, thus preventing war.

So, in the long run. Glitter will end all wars. Of course I'm kidding--it will end all violence in general. But that's not purely why I'm addicted to it. I'm a fan of glitter because it initiates the whole "let's all be friends" attitude that there should be more of in this world. I've had many-a-bonding moment when people came across my stuffed crab Phyrso (the sparkly pink crab--maybe you remember him from previous entries?), and burst out "it's so shiny!" From there it's much easier to break the ice with rememberances of favorite shiny toys. At least I've had more luck with making people feel comfortable with my sparkly pink crab than "so...what are you majoring in?" Friendly originality, as it turns out, makes for more original friends.

So not only has glitter given me some common thread with other people, but it allows room for self expression. Makeup, as it turns out, can be rather dull when it's the same old "a little mascara on the lash, a swoop of blush, blah, blah...*falls asleep*". Don't you miss the days when makeup was meant to be fun and creative, and nowhere near meant to make that guy who ends up sleeping with your sister say you look hot today? (I don't have a sister, or a guy to betray me with said sister...but I'm just sayin') I'm all for letting my eyelids say I'm feeling creative; it often does a better job of getting that across than my mouth. Similar to writing, glitter can show the world that you're actually a fun, hyper, random person who happens to freeze whenever you're supposed to go "hey, I'm [insert name here]."Either than, or people mistake me for a vampire. So maybe I didn't think that through when I bought body spray that makes me sparkle in sunlight...
How could I have resisted it? Cant really see it here, but it's shaped like the Eiffel Tower. And that's just sexy.

We're all adults here, but that doesn't mean we have to stop playing with sparkly stuff. Everyone can appreciate glitter.

Weeeeee, more sparkly stuff ^_^


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