Sunday, January 6, 2013

Because it's a Double Blog sort of Day

Hello internet friends,
So this is less of an introspective blog post about my inquiries on life and more of your average list about what I'd like to accomplish this semester. My first semester of college was quality...I learned some stuff, I met some people, I ate some food (and then some more), but it didn't have that, well, je ne sais quoi we've discussed earlier. It wasn't great. I woke up, went about my day, and went to bed. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary--nothing that stretched me beyond my perceived limitations. I know this is what "real life" oftentimes is: monotonous, stressful, and filled with too much caffeine, but college is still within the boundaries of that blurred line between adolescence and adulthood. It's a time to discover, to go forward and frolic with friends.

And so, it's time for spring semester to have that frolicking and discovering and whatnot. And what better way to ensure that then to make a list?

So, here it goes...

1) I hope to take challenging classes that seem intimidating at first glance, but that stretch my mind in that "aah" (soothing aah) sort of way. I want to be able to enhance my critical thinking skills, to be able to see both sides of an argument, and also to figure out what the heck all the little goshdarn details in my bank statement mean.

2) I vow to talk to at least one new person in each of my classes.

3) I vow to join two new clubs and actively participate.

4) I hope to laugh every day.

5) I hope (but this one is shakiest in terms of follow through) to exercise daily. Okay, four times a week. Okay, when I don't feel like collapsing on my bed.

6) I hope to find time for pleasure reading and writing.

7) I hope to gain a lot of knowledge from my eastern religions class...this is the course I'm most excited about because I feel it will pertain most to my future adventures ahead. ^_^

8) To eat chocolate. Everything's better with chocolate.

What are some of your spring semester resolutions?

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