Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Just Say Yes, and Other Songs College has Kept Me from Enjoying...AKA I'm turning into an ultra-feminist

So I like Snow Patrol as much as the next person, but I've started to have this annoying habit of listening to songs critically. It's not very fun to read Stupid Ho with a feminist perspective, but as soon as a song that has even the slightest misogynistic tendencies, I'm going bat shit crazy. Didn't intend to be some lyric critic, it just kinda happened.

Ah, I see you want an example. Patience, dear grasshopper.

Today, I was walking my usual hike all the way across campus, and I had my iTunes playing in order to make the sprint a little more bearable. Through Katy Perry and Alex Day, I couldn't find anything to critique from the musical world. I had almost made it to Sackett; I was almost safe. But then this song comes on:
And the hulkish feminist just kinda leaped out of me.

How could you, oh Snow Patrol, assume that a woman is "aching" to have sex with you? Or to categorize her as a beating heart that is there for the very pleasure of this dude's sensations? Sure he's asking for consent, but he's going "oh pretty please? I'll get you candy and shiny things...you know you want to." I don't know why this song got to me so much; Snow Patrol and I generally have a pretty amiable repertoire. But to assume that a woman wants sexy time just as much as you is so flawed and so ignorant.

So that was feminist moment number one. Later on, to get away from the disgust that is the sexist-lyrics world, I went adventuring on Tumblr. For a while, I was liberated by makeup tips to make me look prettier (can you just smell the irony?), John Green quotes, and yogic discussions. Then I find this:
...Yeah. Not a good day for female independence, folks.

Let's hope tomorrow's better.


Side note: Snow Patrol, I still love you.

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