Thursday, May 7, 2015

A Year In Review, As Told By Snapchat

As junior year draws to a close, it's only natural that I would reflect on the past 9 months. Unsurprisingly, the results of this reflection are somewhat along the lines of "huh." I laughed, ate, drank, and was merry (coincidentally, the whole "being merry" bit seemed to coincide with the drinking). I could sit here and bore you all with dreadfully woeful tales of getting a B+ in English or indulge myself in an equally woeful (and cliché) tale about breakups (oh wait, already did that). But in this particular instance, I'm gonna let the Snapchats do the talking, as Snapchats are wont to do.

So how did this year pan out? Well...

I studied hard...

I made healthy choices that would benefit my mind and body...

My friends and I improved our style and made smart fashion choices...

I learned how to adult...

I partied like it was 1999...

...And I made new friends who always appreciate me

Let's just hope senior year is this impressive. Nothing says "successful junior year" like learning how to balance a water bottle on your head.


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